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SLF Sertifikat Laik Fungsi

How to Apply for a Building Use Permit (SLF) in Indonesia

All buildings in Indonesia are supposed to have a certificate of permitted use known as an SLF (Sertifikat Laik Fungsi) for the building. These replace the earlier building permit or IMB (Ijin Mendirikan Bangunan).

The SLF states the what a building can be used for and must be renewed ever 20 years for a residential building and every 5 years for a commercial building Here we look at how to apply for an SLF.

See also these related articles:


SIMBG (Building Management Information System)

The Building Management Information System known as SIMBG (Sistem Informasi Manajemen Bangunan Gedung) is a web-based electronic system that is used for data collection, management of building information and for receiveing and processing applications for PBG, SLF, SBKBG, RTB building permits and certificates.

Persetujuan Bangunan Gedung (PBG)

The Building Approval (PBG) is a permit granted by the government to allow building owners to build, change, expand, reduce, and/or maintain buildings according to the applicable technical building standards.

Sertifikat Laik Fungsi (SLF)

The Function-worthy Certificate (SLF) is a certificate given by the government to state what the building can be used for before the building can be used.

Surat Bukti Kepemilikan Bangunan Gedung (SBKBG)

The Proof of Building Ownership (SBKBG) is a letter of proof of the right to the ownership of a building.



  1. Open your browser application, and go to the SIMBG application page at
  2. Click "Daftar" (List) on the top right of the SIMBG homepage.
  3. Fill in the e-mail address used along with a password and select Register as "pemohon" (applicant) PBG/SLF/SBKBG/RTB.
  4. Fill in the security code according to the image, tick approval, and click "Kirim" (Submit).
  5. Check your email inbox and click "Verifikasi" (Verify) on the proof of registration sent by SIMBG.


  1. Open your browser application, and enter the SIMBG address.
  2. Click "Masuk" (Sign in) at the top right of theSIMBG home page.
  3. Log in to your account with the e-mail address and "Kata Sandi" (password) you registered and verified earlier.
  4. Fill in the security code as shown in the image and click "Masuk" (Enter).


  • The "Daftar" (Register) button is useful for applicants who are not already registered.
  • "Lupa Kata Sandi" (Forgot Password) button is useful if the applicant forgets the account password that was previously registered.


  1. Complete the account owner's personal data form.
  2. Click "Simpan" (Save) button at the bottom center of the SIMBG page.


  • The "Beranda" (Home) button will not work as long as the personal data has not been completed.
  • The "Keluar" (Exit) button is useful if the applicant wants to log out of the SIMBG account.

SECTION 04 - APPLICATION FOR AN SLF (Building Permitted Use Certificate)


  1. Click the "Tambah" (Add) menu to start the SLF application.


  • The "beranda" (Home) button will take you to the start page after login.
  • The "Permohom" (Applications) button will display a list of the applications you have submitted.
  • At the upper right is written your "alamat email" (email address) which will display the profile to log out of your account.


  1. Click "Sertifikat Laik Fungsi" (Building Approved Functions) to start submitting the application.


  • The "Pilih Permohonan" (Select Application type) dialog box displays the types of documents that can be submitted to SIMBG.
  • Select "Batal" (Cancel) if you wish to cancel the document application.


  1. In the "Jenis Permohonan" (Application Type) section, select the type of application you would like to process.


  • Select "Bangunan Gedung Baru" (New Building) for buildings to be built.
  • Select "Bangunan Gedung Eksisting" (Existing Buildings) for existing buildings.
  • Select "Bangunan Gedung Perubahan" (Building Changes) for renovated buildings.
  • Select "Bangunan Gedung Kolektif" (Collective Buildings) for multiple buildings, for example a housing area.
  • Select "Bangunan Gedung Prasarana" (Infrastructure Buildings” for supporting buildings.
  • Select "Bangunan Gedung Cagar Budaya" (Cultural Heritage Building) for cultural buildings.

SLF APPLICATION PROCEDURES (Step 4) Function of the Building

  1. Select one of the "Fungsi Bangunan" (Building Function) options.


  • Select the "Fungsi Hunian" (Residential Function) for buildings that are used as residences.
  • Select the "Fungsi Keagamaan" (Religious Function) for buildings that are used as places of worship.
  • Select "Fungsi Usaha" (Business Function) for buildings that are used as places of business or commerce.
  • Select "Fungsi Sosial dan Budaya" (Social and Cultural Functions) for buildings that are used for holding social or cultural activities.
  • Select "Fungsi Khusus" (Special Functions) for buildings that are used for special functions and/or technology.
  • Select "Fungsi Campuran" (Mixed Functions) for buildings that have more than one function.

SLF APPLICATION PROCEDURES (Step 5) Details of the Building

  1. Complete the required building technical information.
  2. After making sure the information you have entered is correct, click "Simpan" (Save).

SLF APPLICATION PROCEDURES (Step 6) Who is the Building Owner

  1. Enter the address of the building owner in the "Data Alamat Bangunan Gedung" (building owner’s personal data) form.
  2. Click "Simpan" (Save) at the bottom center of the SIMBG page.

SLF APPLICATION PROCEDURES (Step7) Address of the Building

(The Data Alamat Bangunan Gedung screen)

  1. Enter the complete building address in the "Data Alamat Bangunan Gedung" (Building Address Data) form.
  2. Carefully check the information you have entered for accuracy.


  • The building address data is the address where the building will be built or is situated.

PBG APPLICATION PROCEDURES (Step 8) Building Information

Data Bagunan Gedung

  1. Fill in the "Data Bangunan Gedung" Building Information form.
  2. Re-check the building address and the building information you have entered.
  3. Click "Lanjut" (Continue).


  • The "Kembali" (Back) button can be selected if you want to change any infromation you have previously entered.

SLF APPLICATION PROCEDURES (Step 9) Details of Land Ownership, soil tests, surrounding buildings

  1. Click the "Tambah Data" (Add Data) on the left side of the "Data Tanah" (Land Data) section.
  2. Complete the land data form containing proof of land data and then click "Simoan" (Save).
  3. Upload supporting documents (in .pdf format) then click "Selanjutnya" (Next).


  1. Soil technical data (soil test results)
  2. Boundary drawings of controlled land including drawings of existing buildings in the area to be built.
  3. Images and information about the soil investigation fo a simple building.


  • In stage 2, if the land owner and the building owner are different, then in the "Izin Pemanfaatan dari Pemegang Hak atas Tanah" (Utilisation Permit from Land Rights Holders) section, select "ya" (yes) and an additional form will appear that must be completed.

SLF APPLICATION PROCEDURES (Step 10) Supporting documents

  1. Upload the complete data document for verification purposes (in .pdf format).
  2. Click "Selanjutnya" (Next).


  • The "Kembali" (Back) button will direct you to the land data page.
  • Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Documents Required:

Documents Required:

  2. Zoning Information
  3. Letter of agreement for land use between the land owner and building owner (if land owner is not the owner of the building).
  4. Environmental documents including laws and regulations (when required)
  5. Construction planning service provider for business entities or individuals
  6. Licensed architects
  7. Site management plan documents, energy use efficiency.
  8. Water use efficiency, indoor air quality. Use of environmentally friendly materials, waste management, wastewater management. (If the building requires BGH.


  1. Complete the form by uploading the documents (.pdf format).
  2. Make sure the documents you upload are in accordance with the required documents.
  3. Click "Selanjutnya" Next.


  • The "Kembali" (Back) button will direct you to the general data page.

Documents Required:

Architectural Documents Required

  1. Situation drawings, site plans, floor plans, sections, views and building details.
  2. Technical specifications, including general specifications and special specifications. (Types and characteristics of materials used in more detail and comprehensive for architectural components)

Structural Technical Information Required

  1. Simple technical calculations and drawings of foundation plans.
  2. Basement columns, beams, floor slabs, and roof frames, covers and other building components.
  3. a.If the building has more than one floor it is equipped with a staircase plan drawing and a floor plate plan drawing
    b Drawing of shear wall if any.
    c. Drawing of basement if any.

  4. Structure detail drawings.
  5. Technical specifications include general specifications and special specifications (types and characteristics of materials used more detail and comprehensive for structural components)

SLF APPLICATION PROCEDURES (Step 12) Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing information

  1. Complete the form by uploading the document (.pdf format).
  2. Click "Selanjutnya" Next.

Documents Required:

Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Technical Data

  1. Technical Calculations and Drawings of the Consisting Sanitation System Plan Management of Clean Water, Wastewater, Rainwater, Drainage, and waste.
  2. Technical calculations and drawings of detailed plans for the transportation system in when required building (Vertical and/or Horizontal)
  3. Calculation of noise and vibration levels that have an impact on surrounding environment including detailed pictures
  4. Drawing of the technical plan of the electrical network system consisting of drawings of the source, network, and general lighting. special lighting and renewable energy
  5. Technical Calculations and Drawings of detailed plans for the Lightning Protection system when required
  6. Technical Calculations and Drawings of detailed plans for Internal & External Communication systems, data systems (IT) 6 when required
  7. Technical calculations and detailed plans for the sound system/evacuation sound system when required
  8. Technical calculation and detailed plan drawing of control system automation (Building automation system) when required
  9. Technical calculations and drawings of detailed plans for the security system (security system) and access control (access control)
  10. Technical calculations and detailed plans for a gondola system if installed.
  11. Technical Specifications (Types, types, and characteristics of materials / materials used in more detail and comprehensively for components mechanical, electrical, and plumbing)
  12. Technical Calculations and Drawings of detailed plans for the Plumbing Sanitation System which consists of the management of Clean Water, Wastewater, Rainwater, Drainage, and waste.
  13. Technical Calculations and Drawings Detailed plans for fire protection systems (fire alarms, hydrants, sprinklers, smoke extractors, pressurized fans) and APAR) which is adjusted to the level of fire risk.


  • The "Kembali" (Back) button will direct you to the architectural and structural technical data page.


  1. Make sure all the information you have filled in from the beginning is correct and that you have read the conditions for data confirmation.

Before you confirm, please pay attention to the following information:

  • The data you provide is correct and can be accounted for.
  • You can complete the required data by uploading it through the SMBG website or coming to the DPMPTSP office in your district/city.
  • Documents must be completed within 20 days from the date of registration.
  • If the confirmed data is incomplete, you can complete it by coming to the DPMPTSP office in your district/city.
  • If there is a data error after confirmation, you can contact the licensing officer in the Ande Regency/City.

Agreement and Submission

Check the Checklist items and click in each box if you agree

  1. The building(s) comply with zoning regulations.
  2. Statement using construction company.
  3. Statement using certified construction supervisor.
  4. Statement that the land is not in dispute.
  5. Statement that it meets basic provisions for earthquake resistance.

Click in the "Ceklis jika Setuju" (Checklist) box to Agree

Finally the click "Simpan" (Save) button to submit the application.

What happens next

  • If you have selected "Simpan" (Save), the application will be processed by the relevant Office.
  • The applicant is now waiting to be contacted by the relevant Department for further processing.

See also these related articles:

Copyright © Phil Wilson May 2009
This article, or any part of it, cannot be copied or reproduced without permission from the copyright owner.