Septic Tank Services
Design and Installation of Septic Tanks

Septic Systems and our Quality of Life
For most of us septic systems are usually out of sight and out of mind and, when operating correctly, they can be expected to give us reliable trouble free service over many, many years.
Unfortunately in Indonesia stomach upsets and more serious health issues are common and all too often they are caused by ground water contamination from poorly designed and constructed septic systems. This is why drinking tap water is not recommended.
Sound Design
To be effective it is important to know how a septic tank works and how microorganisms breakdown our waste throught anaerobic action. We must make sure the tank is large enough to serve the people in the household.
We must also make sure our septic tanks are strong enough will not crack during the earth movements Indonesia is noted for.
The supporting systems such as pipework layout, drain field and absorption well must be designed to make sure that they drain correctly, don’t block and are easy to clean out.
Indonesia has a comprehensive set of national standards and septic systems are covered by SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia) 2398:2017 which lays down guidelines for the design and construction of black water disposal systems.
High Standard of Installation
At Mr Fixit we employ our own fully trained staff to guarantee our quality of work. We guarantee our work and are always available to provide backup should you hve a problem.
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