Building Permits in Indonesia
Building Permits And Approvals in Indonesia
All buildings in Indonesia are supposed to have a building permit known as a PBG (Persetujuan Bangunan Gedung) and a certificate of permitted use known as an SLF (Sertifikat Laik Fungsi) for the building. These 2 permits replace an earlier single building permit known as an IMB (Ijin Mendirikan Bangunan).
The PBG specifies the approved design of the building and continues through the life of the building. The SLF specifies what the building can be used for and must be periodically renewed. Here we look at what the PBG and SLF are, what they do, requirements and how to apply for them.
See also these related articles:
- Apply for a PBG (building permit).
- Apply for an SLF (permitted use permit).
- Zoning of Land
- Building Regulations
- Buildings must contain elements of Balinese Design

Building permits in Indonesia are very important
After the land certificate the PBG and SLF are probably the most important documents regarding properties in Indonesia. The building permits are not only permits to carry out the initial construction but also continue through the building's life as registration documents.
The PBG and SLF permits define (through a pile of associated documents that are lodged with the application) the design and specification of the building that has been approved. They also provide approval for the type of uses of the building.
Note that any modifications either to the building or its use must be notified to the authorities.
Do not buy or lease a building that does not have a PBG and an SLF or you may have problems. The building permit is the responsibility of the owner of the building. If you are the owner then it will be your responsibility, if you rent or lease a building it is your landlord's responsibility.
If you wish to apply for a business licence you must have an operating address and that address must have a building permit.
The IMB is now the PBG and SLF
The laws and regulations regarding building permits in Indonesia have changed radically since the passing of new regulations in 2021.
Sweeping changes have been introduced regarding the permits and certificates issued and the way the application process is implemented and managed. Briefly these changes are:
- The former building permit, widely known as an IMB has now been replaced with two new permits the PBG and the SLF.
- These can be obtained by applying online with a turnaround time of 28 days.
- Information required for these documents is now more relevant and detailed than it was for the previous IMB.
- Involvement of officials and neighbouring owners has been either rationalised or removed.
- A national database for storing building information has been created.
These changes are designed to simplify and speed up the process, to cut out inefficiencies and to increase transparency. The new system also more closely examines the design of buildings to make sure they are professionally designed and built which in turn leads to safer, more earthquake resistant buildings with safer electrical and wastewater systems and are less harmful to the environment.
The former IMB fulfilled several purposes:
- It defined the status of rights over the land.
- It provided a permit to build.
- It defined who owned the building.
- It defined the purpose the building could be used for.
Under the new system these functions have been separated into three distinct purposes. These are:
- A permit for the building (PBG)
- A permit for what the building can be used for (SLF)
- A certificate of building ownership (SBKBG)
In addition another permit has been added:
- A permit to demolish a building (RTB)
More information about these permits is provided below.
One of the most significant changes is that you apply for these documents online and applications have a promised turnaround time of 28 days.
How To Apply
Applications are made through the public works department's Building Information Management System or SIMBG (Sistem Informasi Manajemen Bangunan Gedung) you will find on their website at:
Here you can register as an applicant and submit online applications for PBG, SLF, SBKBG and RTB approvals. Supporting documentation can be uploaded in .pdf format.
For details (in english) of how to register an account, make an application and for a summary of the documents that are probably required (depending on the application) go to:
- To apply for a PBG (building permit)
- To apply for an SLF (permitted use permit)
Applicant's Responsibilities
Note that the applicant is responsible for:
- Completing the application data and submitting the technical documents.
- Attending consultation on planning and/or demolition of Buildings (if needed).
- Paying the required fees (if billed).
- Submitting a schedule and start date of construction to the Technical Service through SIMBG at the building construction stage.
- Submitting a schedule and start date of demolition (if appropriate) to the Technical Service through SIMBG at the stage of demolition of the building.
- Registering the accounts of construction planners, construction implementers, demolition planners and demolition implementers (if needed).
The new documents issued by the government are as follows:
1. The Building Approval known as a PBG (Persetujuan Bangunan Gedung)
A PBG is a permit issued by the government which gives permission to construct, renovate, maintain or change a building and defines the type, design and location of the building.
The PBG has the following functions:
- To ensure buildings are constructed according to legal guidelines.
- To ensure the operation of the building meets the standards that ensure safety, comfort, health and convenience for its users.
- To record the existence of a building plan.
Technical information about the building is recorded which indicates the design is technically sound, abides by zoning and building regulations, that structure, electrical and plumbing are safe and environmentally responsible and that the building can withstand earthquakes.
- Like the old IMB, the PBG is paid for once and remains in force throughout the life of the building.
- If changes are made to the building (such as extensions, modifications or demolition and rebuilding), these must be notified to the government and its data will be amended in the information system.
- Unlike the former IMB the owner does not have to apply for a PBG before construction of the building can start.
2. The Function-worthy Certificate known as an SLF (Sertifikat Laik Fungsi)
The SLF is a permit issued by the government that gives permission for the building to be used for a specific purpose or purposes. Categories of use are residential, religious, business, social and cultural, and special purposes.
The SLF has the following functions:
- To record the physical existence of a building.
- To ensure that the building is safe for use.
- To ensure that the building conforms with defined standards of safety, comfort, health, and convenience for its users.
Documentation is required that proves that the building is technically suitable for its purpose.
- If the function of the building is changed this must be reported, failure to do so can result in sanctions.
- Unlike the old IMB a building can now be certified to be used for more than one purpose.
- Unlike the old IMB, the SLF must be renewed every 20 years for residential buildings and every 5 years for other buildings.
- If the SLF expires, the SLF it must be renewed before the building can be used again.
3. The Proof of Building Ownership known as an SBKBG (Surat Bukti Kepemilikan Bangunan Gedung)
The SBKBG is a certificate issued by the government to the owner of a building as proof that he/she owns the building and is responsible for it.
The SBKBG has the following functions:
- To ensure the right of ownership of the building.
- To ensure that the building is legally built and that it conforms to technical standards in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.
- To provide a record of who owns the building.
- This is a separate document from the land certificate (a land certificate defines who owns the land).
- The SBKBG is processed and issued along with the SLF.
4. Demolition Technical Plan known as an RTB (Rencana Teknis Pembongkaran)
To demolish a building the owner must submit a Technical Demolition Plan, known as an RTB, to the government. The RTB provides a statement that a particular building or buildings are to be demolished and how the demolition will be carried out.
The process of demolition must follow appropriate technical standards. To determine that technical standards are being met it is necessary to consult experts who have the required ability and expertise in building construction, these experts can be from the building profession or from universities.
The RTB has the following functions:
- To provide a list of the building(s) to be demolished
- To ensure that the building(s) can be legally demolished.
- To ensure that the demolition is carried out within standards of safety, comfort, health, convenience and the environment.
- The demolition plan (RTB) must be approved by the government and approval will be issued no later than 28 working days from submission, depending on the function and classification of the building.
- An RTB is valid only for the duration of the demolition of the building.
See also these related articles:
- Apply for a PBG (building permit).
- Apply for an SLF (permitted use permit).
- Zoning of Land
- Zoning of Land
- Building Regulations
- Buildings must contain elements of Balinese Design
Phil Wilson
Copyright © Phil Wilson August 2022
This article, or any part of it, cannot be copied or reproduced without permission from the copyright owner.